How can I resolve issues related to overstaying my visa in India, and what are the legal consequences?

Answered by

A Agarwalla & Co.

Published At July 9, 2024


Overstaying your visa in India can lead to significant legal and financial consequences. According to NRI Immigration regulations, immediate repercussions include fines that vary based on the duration of the overstay. 

In addition to fines, overstaying can result in detention and deportation. The Indian government has the authority to deport individuals who have overstayed, which can lead to a ban on future entries into India and difficulties obtaining visas for other countries​.

To resolve issues related to overstaying, you should immediately approach the Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO). They have the authority to issue exit visas, particularly if the overstay is less than three months, provided there are no legal objections or pending court cases​. It is advisable to seek assistance from an experienced attorney to navigate the process effectively.

Proactively, visitors should always monitor their visa validity and plan their departure accordingly to avoid these complications. If an extension is necessary, applying well before the visa expires is crucial to avoid falling out of compliance with NRI Immigration regulations.