What are the Partnership agreement key clauses in India?

Answered by

A Agarwalla & Co.

Published At August 5, 2024


Understanding Partnership agreement key clauses

A partnership agreement is a crucial document for any business partnership in India. It defines the roles, responsibilities and obligations of each partner, providing a clear framework for managing the partnership. Including key clauses in the agreement ensures smooth operation and helps prevent conflicts. Following are the partnership agreement key clauses.


Partnership agreement key clauses

1. Ownership Percentage and Capital Contribution 

Determining the ownership percentage and capital contribution is fundamental. Each partner’s share in the business should be clearly stated, along with their financial contributions. This clause outlines how much capital each partner will invest, whether in cash, equipment or property, and establishes their ownership stake in the business. It ensures transparency and fairness, preventing disputes over ownership later on.

2. Profit and Loss Distribution 

The distribution of profits and losses is a critical component of a partnership agreement. This clause specifies how profits and losses will be shared among the partners. It can be based on ownership percentage or another agreed-upon formula. Clear terms regarding the withdrawal of profits are also essential to avoid misunderstandings and ensure all partners are on the same page.

3. Decision Making and Dispute Resolution 

Decision-making processes and dispute resolution mechanisms must be explicitly outlined. This clause should include how decisions will be made, whether by unanimous consent, majority vote or another method. Additionally, it should provide a framework for resolving disputes, such as mediation or arbitration, to prevent conflicts from escalating into legal battles.

4. Roles and Responsibilities – Partnership Agreement Key Clauses

Defining the roles and responsibilities of each partner helps avoid confusion and overlap of duties. This clause should detail each partner’s specific duties and obligations, ensuring that all aspects of the business are covered. It promotes efficiency and accountability within the partnership.

5. Duration and Termination 

The agreement should specify the partnership’s duration and the conditions under which it can be terminated. This clause can outline whether the partnership is for a fixed term or indefinite period and include procedures for voluntary or involuntary termination, retirement, or expulsion of partners. It ensures all partners understand the terms of their commitment and the process for exiting the partnership.

6. Non-Compete and Confidentiality

To protect the business’s interests, a non-compete clause is essential. It prevents departing partners from engaging in similar business ventures that could compete with the partnership. Additionally, a confidentiality clause ensures that all partners keep sensitive business information confidential, safeguarding the partnership’s competitive edge.

7. Admission and Expulsion of Partners

The process for admitting new partners and expelling existing ones should be clearly defined. This clause should include the criteria and procedures for bringing in new partners, as well as the circumstances and process for expelling a partner. It provides a structured approach to managing changes in partnership composition.

8. Financial Management and Accounting 

Effective financial management is crucial for any partnership. This clause should outline the procedures for maintaining financial records, conducting audits and preparing financial statements. It ensures transparency and accountability in financial matters, which is vital for building trust among partners.



Incorporating these  partnership agreement key clauses is essential for establishing a solid foundation for the business. A well-drafted agreement helps prevent disputes, ensures smooth operation, and protects the interests of all partners. By clearly defining ownership, profit distribution, decision-making processes, roles and responsibilities, and other critical aspects, partners can focus on growing their business with confidence and clarity.  Partnership agreement key clauses not only formalizes the partnership but also provides a way for handling various scenarios that may arise during the business’s lifecycle. Ensuring all partners agree on these key clauses sets the stage for a successful and harmonious business venture. For tailored legal advice and to ensure your partnership agreement covers all key clauses, consult with our legal experts today.